No "Ratings" please...
Please, is there anyway to disable, or turn off, or hide "Ratings"? A setting in folder options? A registry setting? Anything at all?Doc
March 4th, 2009 9:19am

Hi DocWhich "Ratings" are you referring to?You can find ratings in Pictures, Media Player, Files, Games, Media Center Parental Controls, and the Content Advisor in Internet Explorer.Let us know. Thank You for testing Windows 7 Beta Ronnie Vernon MVP
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March 4th, 2009 12:09pm

Hi Ronnie,Yes, I should have said which ones. Windows Explorer (pictures) andLive Photo Gallery would be a fantastic beginning. With screen real estate at a premium, they should be configurable. Now, if Windows Explorer could remember folder settings, that would be fine. However, in Live Photo Gallery, you simply have no choice at all.Doc
March 4th, 2009 3:46pm

Open the required folder, and set the view option to Details. Right click on any of the headings andremove the tickadjacent to Rating.
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March 5th, 2009 8:05pm

Thank you, Dwarf63, but this an answer only if Windows Explorer could remember folder settings. If you have a version of Windows Explorer that does this, on a consistent basis, please let me know.Doc
March 5th, 2009 10:51pm

Dr. Strangelove said: Thank you, Dwarf63, but this an answer only if Windows Explorer could remember folder settings. If you have a version of Windows Explorer that does this, on a consistent basis, please let me know.Doc This is how you get Windows 7 to remember view settings (kind of). Go to a folder and select the view you want. For example, select details, remove the tags and ratings columns, add the size and date modified columns. Hit the <alt> key to bring up the menu. Click on Tools, go to Folder Options, and select the View tab. Click the Apply to Folders button. A dialog will ask do you want the view to be saved for all folders that are associated a certain type. Select your preference. You will have a saved view based on the setting you have chosen. However, there is a caveat. This only applies to actual Explorer windows and does not necessary translate over to save and open dialog boxes. No, it is not too intuitive.
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March 6th, 2009 6:27am

Darien, thanks for posting that - I think knew it at one point, but then forgot it. Nice to see it!!! Kris -------- Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3P F7, E7200 2.53@3.76ghz, 2x1gb OCZ Reaper1150@1188, EVGA 9800GTX+ N873 , Win 7 7000
March 6th, 2009 9:43am

Hi Darien,Thanks for the info. I have tried this, and all combinations thereof, along with many attempts at removing the tags and ratings columns, only to have the settings come back, randomly, over time. I have long resisted the registry hacks in some of the threads, as I believe this should be something that MS should fix. Not only should it be fixed, it should first be acknowledged, by MS, that it is a flaw. To let it continue as it has, for Vista, and now in the beta of W7, seems to be a silent statement by MS that "there is no problem with folders and settings", and "we do not care that you do not like 'ratings'". "We do not even want to give you the configurability to disable these settings if you do not like them". "Yes, we have heard all of the complaints about not remembering folder settings since the release of Vista. It is our position that the product is working fine, as designed, and the customer just cannot appreciate 'ratings'".Ok, perhaps a bit harsh, but it is a problem, and you have seen the countless threads regarding this issue. MS published a list of changes they were making, or have made, to the RC for W7. Not one word about Windows Explorer and folder settings. If they are listening to customers, who are these customers? Why have these forums, with the countless complaints about Windows Explorer, if no one at MS is going to listen? Yes, there are a lot of issues more serious in the OS, Vista and W7, than Windows Explorer remembering folder settings. But, if the whole issue of feedback is to see what is being complained about the most, and fixing those issues to make the largest impact on customer satisfaction, then someone has failed.Then, in Live Photo Gallery, there is not even an option to address 'Ratings'. It seems that MS has decided, for all users, 'Ratings' is something we want and need, period!I am not going to debate why one would need 'Ratings', and I have many theories as to the type of user who would need such a feature. If there is a checkbox to "Remember Folder Settings" (in Vista), then the damn thing should work. Otherwise, remove the checkbox (like in W7)and really make a statement! If it is about the product being configurable, to the needs and taste of the user, then MS has missed the mark, badly.You will notice that, in this forum software, there is no ability to 'rate' a thread with 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 stars. I wonder why....Doc
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March 6th, 2009 5:20pm

PS: Response above (and the harsh attitude) not directed at Ronnie and Darien. Another cup of decaf and I should be ok.Doc
March 6th, 2009 5:39pm

Perhaps the only one who can answer that question is the programmer who actually wrote the code. And, if he identified himself as such, well, I imagine that he would not want to identify himself...Now, I have some thoughts about it, but the fact is that folders can contain more than one file type. Applying "All Items" as a template for folders (and sub-folders) is quickly forgotten. That, or the timer for the "random view of the hour" kicks in...Doc
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March 6th, 2009 8:27pm

Hi egadsWhen you right click a folder and select the Customize Tab in the Properties, you will seeUse this folder Type as a template, with a drop down list where the Type can be selected. This option defines the default view for that folder.Most folders have a standard selection of types, but some will have custom types, such as the Contacts folder.Hope this helps.Thank You for testing Windows 7 Beta Ronnie Vernon MVP
March 6th, 2009 9:00pm

@egads All folders of this type means (at least how I understand it) folders that contain a specific type of file. For example, in a folder that contains music, you have genre, artist, etc as column headers. That is considered a folder type that deals with music. In a folder that contains pictures, you have date taken, tags, and ratings as default columns. That is considered a folder type for pictures. Therefore, you set the desired columns to size, date modified, date taken, and dimension and save the folder setting, then all other folders that contain pictures would be modified accordingly. At least that is the theory I do agree that the issues need to be addressed by Microsoft. I personally like to see the details view with specific column headings
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March 6th, 2009 9:59pm

Darian and egads,This is a great discussion. But, just look at what has to be done for something which should simply be a functional checkbox to "Remember Folder Settings".I hate to keep beating a dead horse here, but, yes, we can do all of the steps mentioned, and registry hacks, and more. Hardly a user friendly, functional, and supportable way of doing what should not even be a discussion item.I have several thousand files, and I need to see details. And, many of my folders contain not just one file type, but several [different types]. Rather than trying to find a workaround for this extremely inconvenient and frustrating issue, MS should simply fix it. As far as reporting it, it has been reported many times (Vista and W7). And the MS answer was to remove the checkbox from W7 Windows Explorer.'Ratings' might be a welcome feature for those into sorting their portfolio of playmate photos, but for those of us who use the PC for work, it hinders progress on a daily basis.Doc
March 7th, 2009 2:07am

Dr. Strangelove said: ... just look at what has to be done for something which should simply be a functional checkbox to "Remember Folder Settings".Instead of having to tick a checkbox which reads "Remember each folder's view settings" there should be one which reads "Don't change the size and position of my folder windows the instant I open them again, don't randomly change my icon views at the most inconvenient of times and don't delete all of my column headings so that by the time I have found and replaced them all, I have forgotten why I opened the folder in the first place". I think if they change it to this then maybe the message will get through.But I won't be holding my breath!
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March 26th, 2009 6:04pm

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